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DAVOS 100 charity fund helps save the most vulnerable children's lives

The DAVOS 100 charity fund focuses on societies from the most poverty-stricken areas.

We save orphans who are suffering from criminal coercion, violence, disease and hunger around the world

“Rebuilding the Light”
Recent Donation : $0
Our goal :$350,000 2%
“Blue Horizon Early Childhood Aid“
Recent Donation : $0
Our goal : $350,000 3%
“Creating Tomorrow’s Readers”
Recent Donation : $0
Our goal : $350,000 5%
"DAVOS 100 leadership Development Program"
Recent Donation : $0
Our goal : $350,000 2%

Show your compassion by helping save the most vulnerable children's lives.

DAVOS 100 is a nonprofit organization that is committed to enhancing the advocacy capacity of civil society organizations, philanthropies, and, progressive companies. Davos 100 believes in addressing big problems and achieving large-scale systemic change. We do this by cooperating with cross-sector leaders and organizations, and lobbying governments. We provide our social innovation to support, in particular, the most vulnerable societies and to address intractable challenges. We believe that sustainability starts by fully developing the most vulnerable communities’ capacities. Prosperity starts by helping address the most vulnerable citizens’ living conditions and intractable challenges.